
The European HPC Infrastructure Workshop Series is the extension of a workshop that was hosted by CSCS in 2008 within the framework of the PRACE Project. Due to the success of the event and continued interest in the topic, it has been hosted annually since that time.

Traditionally, the workshop has been hosted by one of the three founding sites (CEA, CSCS, GCS) but the committee is open to further suggestions. See the section Guidelines for more information if you are interested in hosting a workshop.

Further to the three founding sites, the committee is composed of 3 further persons who are equally deeply involved in infrastructure related questions for HPC.

The organisational committee is governed by an MoU but does not have a legal entity. The organisation of workshop is runnin on a non-profit basis.


The European HPC Infrastructure Workshop was founded as a joint effort between CSCS, CEA and GCS (represented by LRZ). These three sites are responsible for putting together the annual program for the workshop.

The committee currently consists of the following core sites:

CEA represented by François Robin and Jean-Philippe Nominé

GCS (represented by LRZ) represented by Herbert Huber and Michael Ott

The following additional persons complete the committee:

  • Javier Bartolomé from BSC
  • Norbert Meyer from PSNC
  • Gert Svensson from KTH
  • Per Öster from CSC
  • Evangelos Floros from EuroHPC JU
  • Oscar Diez from EC


The European HPC Infrastructure Workshop has traditionally been hosted by CEA, CSCS and LRZ, with other events being hosted by CINECA, PSNC, CSC and KTH. The committee is open to consider further European HPC sites as possible hosts of the event.

Should your site be interested in hosting the workshop, please refer to the following guidelines in order to get a full picture of what this entails and how to set about proposing your site:

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